Total consumer spending in the USA last year was estimated to be over $60 TRILLION.
Companies are using your hard earned money to change the world, and we need to make sure they're not making it worse.
STOP giving money to companies that don't align with your values. Whether environmental, social, or governmental causes - we all believe in something.
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
PYMWYMI (pim-whim-e) the purple penguin - is on a mission... To follow the paper trail and put a magnifying glass on what companies do with your money.
If he digs up some dirt and finds out a company isn't using YOUR money to make the world a better place? Click a button and make sure they NEVER use your cash against you again.
How much of that $60 TRILLION can we redirect to do good in this world??
Join the waitlist - let's find out :)